Human who invented humans must have won the Nobel Prize

Hello everyone, welcome to my personal website. I am currently a second-year PhD student at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). My main research areas include multi-sensor fusion SLAM, computer vision, and the application of emerging technologies in autonomous driving and robotics. I am a practice-oriented individual, focusing on the engineering implementation of algorithms. I often use different technology stacks for various application scenarios and have extensive experience in implementing important projects. I welcome friends with similar interests to connect and exchange ideas!


Please feel free to contact me via email:


* [2024.09] Our paper "Game-Theoretic Driver Modeling and Decision-Making for Autonomous Driving with Temporal-Spatial Attention-Based Deep Q-Learning" has been accepted by IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT VEHICLES!

* [2024.06] Our paper "MCGMapper: Light-Weight Incremental Structure from Motion and Visual Localization With Planar Markers and Camera Groups" has been accepted by IROS 2024!